Translating books in Ukraine is a lot of work. It’s not just a matter of running text through Google and clicking “print.” We made a short video that summarizes the process:
Various Tangents
Merry Christmas 2017 from the Mileses!
In the beginning, God created everything and put man in the Garden of Eden to serve as a theocratic administrator. The Serpent ruined man and God promised to send the woman’s Seed to crush him.
And so, the anticipation began.[Read More]
You’re probably thinking, “What?!? This isn’t hamantaschen season! Who makes hamantaschen in October?!?” Well, poppy seed filling was on sale at Walmart for only 25¢ per can, so I bought some. The cans aren’t good forever and the expiry date will come before Purim, so it looks like we’re cooking hamantaschen in October this year.
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Ministry Update: Et Libros has launched!
After much hard work, we are happy to announce that our new website, is available to the public. Thank you so much for your prayerful support as we’ve been translating, coding and designing the various pieces of this exciting project. If you have any Russian speaking friends, feel free to share Et Libros with them. For those of ya’ll who don’t speak Russian, I thought I’d put an English version of the “About Us” (Russ: О нас) page, as well as the author bios, and links to English versions of some of the articles.[Read More]
Every Biblical Prophecy about ‘Murica
It has been said that about a third of the Bible consists of prophecy, but where does America fit in all of this? Sure, there are passages that talk about “all nations,” but what about America specifically? Will Trump usher in the apocalypse?
I have compiled a list of every single Bible passage that mentions America specifically. They are listed below:
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Think before you ink
When I was in the Army, I thought it would be cool to get a tattoo that said, “I run with scissors!” with a skull and cross-scissors above it. I was telling my brilliant idea to my father, who told me, “Son, most people I know who are my age and have tattoos are folks that got the tattoos when they were your age and now they regret it.”
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