Hey everyone,
I have been selected to contribute a chapter to the upcoming book, Moral Theology and the World of Walt Disney, which is a volume in a series on theology and pop culture.
Much of the theology and pop culture series is coming from an unfortunately theologically liberal perspective, so this is could be a great opportunity to bring a conservative, grace-based, biblical gospel into a project that might not have a sound presentation of eternal life otherwise. My chapter is on “Sin, Salvation, and the Human Condition in Pinocchio,” and we want to get a few extra eyes on it to make sure it’s ready before submitting it to the editor.
If you would like to help in this way, please look over the rough draft for anything that could be improved, whether grammatically or theologically. Don’t make the correction in the text itself; instead, just leave a comment. Here is how you do a comment: Highlight the spot that you want me to reword, go to the “Review” tab, click “New Comment.” You can then write something in the comment box, or just leave it empty if there’s an obvious misspelling or if you don’t have a better way to word it. Then, I will take all of the suggestions and edit one final Word document.

You can download the paper by clicking here:
Once you have looked it over, please email it to me at paul(at)themileses.com. I will need the paper back by Tuesday May 5th, so that I will have time to make the adjustments and send it in.
Thank you so much for your help!
In Christ,